Monthly Archives: April 2019

Accueil / Archives pour April 2019

The big sale 2019

It’s this time of the year where you can get the best deals on gear and courses. Come visit us from Mai 2 - 6 and take advantage of the many offers.Shop for 500$ or more on Thursday or Friday during the BIG SALE and we give you one of our popular dive shirts “Proud of my city” for free (until stock lasts).So here some of our best offers for the event:PROMO dive computer Zoop Novo270$ instead of 399.95$ - and even better:  the first 10 to buy this computer will receive a transport bag for it !!!PROMO bring your GANG!!If you sign up for an Open Water course at regular price you can bring 8 friends for a free Scuba try out!PROMO Drysuit HDC TechNever seen before! This is the best promotion on a drysuit since the opening of the shop 28 years ago: 46% discount on a high [...]

By |2019-04-30T21:59:15+00:00April 30th, 2019|Actualités|0 Comments

TECH Refresh

It’s getting warm, the ice is melting,… are you ready to start the diving season? Accept for the occasional vacation down south and the annual ice diving event, divers don’t get enough practise over the long winter months. In consequence our basic skills are rusty and we aren’t as safe as we should be and don’t feel as comfortable under water as we could feel. This is especially true for technical divers because they have more equipment to manage. To start off well, come and practise the basic skills with us in the pool and set your mind in dive mode. Requirements: minimum intro to TECH certification. All configurations welcome: double tank, sidemount or CCR Date: Mai 6th, 19h-22h Cost: 35$ Inscription obligatory - call us at 418-847 1105

By |2019-04-30T22:38:14+00:00April 7th, 2019|Actualités|0 Comments