IDC course

1,995.00 $4,335.00 $

SKU: N/A Category:

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The IDC prepares you to teach PADI’s main courses, from Open Water Diver to Divemaster. At the end of the IDC, you will be perfectly prepared to take the final PADI Instructor Exam (IE). Plongée Capitale is proud to have its own course director on its team, along with two staff instructors. François, Marilaine, and Daniela offer a quality course and personalized support for exceptional preparation for each student. Our candidates are always among the best during the IE exam.

In Quebec, there are two IEs per year, one in May and another in October. Our IDC dates are scheduled to align with these two exam dates. If you wish to take an IDC during the winter period, when diving is not possible in Quebec, François also offers IDCs in Mexico.

There is no minimum number of participants required for the course to take place.

Once you enroll in the course, you will receive:

  • A guide for IDC preparations
  • Prescriptives for all basic courses
  • Specialty guides (in French and English)
  • A comprehensive file with a personalized help plan for theoretical presentations
  • The most recent instructor manual


  • Be a PADI Divemaster
  • Be 18 years old
  • Be a certified diver for at least six months
  • Have logged 60 dives and demonstrate experience in night diving, deep diving, and underwater navigation
  • Submit a medical certificate signed by a physician (within the last 12 months)
  • Complete the EFR Primary and Secondary Care courses. Be an EFR Instructor by the end of the IDC training.
  • Have complete diving equipment including: a timing device, a compass, a diving knife/tool, two surface signaling devices – one audible and one visual, RDP Table/eRDPml or the instruction manual for your dive computer


  • IDC course with or without materials, with or without EFR – depending on the chosen option
  • Course in classroom, pool, and open water training
  • 2 instructor specialties: Oxygen Provider and EANx Instructor
  • More specialties at 100$ each during the next MSDT course
  • Practical evaluation to become a mandataire of Quebec Subaquatique (FQAS)

Expect a fee to PADI and Quebec Subaquatique payable directly to them for membership registration.