Welcome to your PADI Skin Diver Course!

Welcome to your PADI Skin Diver Course!

The PADI Skin Diver course is a great way for adults as well as for kids to explore the underwater world without the heavy scuba diving gear. The course consists of a theory class, pool training and a debriefing. During the 4 hours course you will learn how to use fins, mask and snorkel, to stay safely at the surface and adjust your buoyancy, to swim efficiently with fins, to communicate under water, to follow safety procedures and how to effortlessly ascend and descend into the fascinating underwater world. You’ll be surprised how close you can get to a fish with the silent and easy apnea approach.
Minimum age: 8 years. For kids 8-12 years a parent must be present for the duration of the course.
Snorkel gear: is included in the course however you will benefit greatly from having your personal, well fitted equipment.
PADI card: if all skills have been completed you can apply for a PADI Skin Diver certification card (cost 30$).
- duration approx. 1h
- presentation of the underwater environment
- communication under water
- getting to know your gear
- briefing of exercises
- duration approx. 2.5h
- equipment try out and get to know
- in water skills
- parcours and games
- debriefing
- gear adjustment
- swimming at the surface
- correct buoyancy
- clearing the snorkel
- descend and ascend
- safety procedures under water
- 15 meters swim under water
- communication by hand signals
- gear adjustment
- swimming at the surface
- correct buoyancy
- clearing the snorkel
- descend and ascend
- safety procedures under water
- 15 meters swim under water
- communication by hand signals